The Occupation of the American Mind

Narrated by Roger Waters, this film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces to shape media coverage about Palestine in Israel’s favour.

”A superb documentary that makes a devastatingly persuasive case that the U.S. public is being systematically subjected to disinformation from its media on the Israel-Palestine conflict. For audiences who have relied on U.S. television and the press, the reality of Palestinian life under Israeli occupation shown in this film is likely to be deeply shocking.” ~ Jonathan Cook

”Not only land, but also minds can be colonized. The brilliance of this documentary is that it manages to tell the story of both forms of colonization simultaneously. The first story reveals how Palestinian land was colonized and how the Palestinian people have been struggling for self-determination ever since. The second story uncovers how the American media has colonized the minds of its audiences and inverted the concrete relations of subjugation by transforming Israelis into victims and Palestinians into oppressors. The Occupation of the American Mind is a must see for anyone who is against colonization.” ~ Neve Gordon, Professor of Politics at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Despite superlative reviews, ‘The Occupation of the American Mind’ has been virtually ignored by mainstream media and all major Western film festivals.

israel rule

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