Medieval Warm Period : The End Of The World Not Nigh


Historical accounts confirm the world-wide occurrence of.the Medieval Warm Period. It was a time of warm climate from about 900 AD to 1300 AD, and was considerably warmer than the 20th / 21st century.

Its effects were evident in Europe, where grain crops flourished, alpine tree lines rose, many new cities arose, and the population more than doubled. The Vikings took advantage of the climatic amelioration to colonize Greenland (Grønland), and wine grapes were grown as far north as Northumbria in England, and about 500 km north of present vineyards in France and Germany.

This period of relative warmth and prosperity was followed by the ”Little Ice Age” from about 1300 AD. The change from the warmth of the MWP to the cold of the LIA was abrupt and devastating, leading to the Great Famine from 1310 to 1322.

Much more recently, following the early 20th-century warm period (1915–1945), the world’s climate cooled for 30 years; (and I am old enough to remember ”ninety percent of scientists” warning us in the 1970s of the coming Ice Age !)


Global temperature changes occur naturally, and did so long before atmospheric CO2 began to increase. They occur primarily due to periodic changes in the Sun’s TSI, (Total Solar Irradiance – the solar radiative power per unit area incident on the Earth’s upper atmosphere).

Climate Heresy

But what chance does evidence-based climate science have of even being heard nowadays, in the current atmosphere of evangelism, hysteria, and academic censorship ?

The Medieval Warm Period – an overview

by Don J. Easterbrook, in Evidence-Based Climate Science

‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ ~ full movie  (75 mins )  

2 thoughts on “Medieval Warm Period : The End Of The World Not Nigh

  1. Pingback: Climate Heresy | *Orbis Non Sufficit*

  2. Pingback: Climate Change : An Historical Perspective | *Orbis Non Sufficit*

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