Labour : Emasculated

StarmerCorbyn_optI have been prepared to give Keir Starmer the benefit of my doubt that he could provide effective opposition to the appalling current UK government, but in the space of 24 hours all hope has been dissipated.

First the new Labour leader bowed down to the rampant Zionist lobby in the media – and all the main political parties – by issuing an ”unreserved apology” to former Labour staff members and to the fanatical anti-Corbyn campaigner John Ware, the journalist who presented the evidence-free Panorama programme on Labour’s alleged ‘anti-semitism’. He even agreed to pay “substantial damages” to Ware and to seven so-called ‘whistleblowers’ over “defamatory and false allegations” made following the programme.

(By the way, how often must it be repeated that criticism of Israel’s worst excesses is NOT anti-semitism ? )

Now, at PMQs today, Starmer has called for the news channel RT to be banned (it is already refused air-time by Richard Branson’s Virgin Media, which tells its own story). ‘Sir’ Keir told the Commons: “One way the Government can seek to clamp down on Russian influence is to prevent the spread of Kremlin backed disinformation.”

But RT is the UK’s most informative TV news channel, providing truthful, objective coverage of events and offering a platform to dissident voices like George Galloway, Ken Livingstone, Alex Salmond and others whose anti-neoliberal stance effectively disqualifies them from corporate media and that now abject government propaganda tool, the BBC.

There are even reports that Starmer is considering the removal of the Labour whip from Jeremy Corbyn, meaning that he would be booted out of the parliamentary party and become an independent MP.

I would hope for (and expect) a mass exodus of true radicals and socialists from the Party if he goes ahead with this, and Labour would deserve its subsequent marginalisation.

It’s apparent that Labour is now firmly in the grip of the Blairites and the Zionist lobby. Sad to say, as a vehicle for the progressive change and the new policies the UK so urgently needs, the once great Labour Party is now finished.

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